
A nice double Anniversary !

The Intelligence week project conceived by Margarita Šešelgytė, Director of the International Relations & Political Sciences (IIRPS) Institute of Vilnius has entered its 5 th year ! Five years of success and improvements! This outstanding outreach activity authorises students in their BA year to understand better how intelligence works to secure & protect their nation and our democratic European culture on one side and, then, learn how an intelligence report and a VIP briefing is prepared and delivered.

It makes them understand the difference between media reporting and an analytical report, with all its challenges and the level of tradecraft & expertise associated to this exercise! It will serve them even if they don’t join a security or an intelligence Service, at least as an informed citizen or, in some cases, as an informed client, i.e. as a future intel. consumer. 

Associated nearly since the beginning - the Intelligence College in Europe has invited Margarita Šešelgytė to the La Fabrique Defense Event in January 2022, is proud to participate to this project and to support it!

The Permanent Secretariat of ICE (ICE PS) is alongside members of the Lithuanian Intelligence & Security Service (VSD), the Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Survila and the Ambassador of Netherlands member of the selection jury.

In 2024, the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Intelligence College, ICE PS is happy to offer the First Prize for the best students’ team, an invitation to Paris and to the Paris Defense Security Forum 2025 (PDSF 2025) which will take place in the very beginning of March 2025, organised by the French ACADEM (Académie de défense de l'École militaire).

A really nice outreach activity, contributing to build a stronger European intelligence culture, which, ideally, will benefit to be replicated in other countries!


In October 2024, in accordance to the SIAC-ICE Letter of Intention for cooperation signed in the Ecole Royale Militaire, the Intelligence College in Europe (ICE) academic network has delivered a joint Analytical course to the SIAC Analysts.

This second edition is participating to the joint civilian-military culture of EUMS.INT and EU INTCEN Analysts, regrouped in the Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity.

A good example of what an european intelligence culture could mean practically !

The Spanish Intelligence Academy from CNI, the Romanian Intelligence Academy (ANIMV) from SRI and the multinational Osint Center of Excellence of Zagreb have united their forces to deliver this crosscutting European course.

European Security and Defence Course - UCLM Toledo

Spain, currently assuming the Intelligence College in Europe (ICE) Presidency after the EU Presidency in 2023, has covered a need repeatedly expressed in the Steering Committee meetings of the College: the Intelligence Officers of our Services should be aware of the European structures.

For this purpose, Spain has organized a high-level postgraduate course, in an hybrid format, beginning in March 2024 by E-learning sessions and concluding week 38 by an on-site course in Toledo.

This demanding course was organized with the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and its excellent Center of European Studies “Luis Ortega Alvarez”, providing the possibility of obtaining an official certification according to the European Framework of Bologna.

This very “first” has been a success, not only attracting a great number of attendees coming from a very large number of countries, representing all the regions of Europe, but also attendees of high quality, very well positioned in their national community.

The lectures delivered the last day of the course by Ricardo sanchéz-Blanco, Deputy Director General for External Relations and Commercial Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Arturo Relanzón, CNI Secretary General and by Francois Fischer, Director of PS.ICE have opened a very interactive, living and high quality exchange on Intelligence & Security topics of interest at the European level.  It has confirmed the excellent impression given on September 20 th by the presentation of the tutored final projects.

This “flagship” course, testament of the quality of the investment of all the attendees and of the teaching delivered by a selected group of Academics led by Isaac Martin Delgado and Juan-Luis Manfredi, will highly likely be reproduced. It fits perfectly in the ICE “EU line of effort” which also includes awareness courses in Collège de Bruges, actions as network associated partner of the European Defence & Security College (ESDC) but also dedicated ICE courses and Conferences in Brussels.


Last 12/04/2024, the Intelligence College in Europe, together with the Centro Nacional

de Inteligencia (CNI) (Spain), organized a webinar on the topic “European Union - Latin

America Strategic Relations” at the University of Alcalá, Madrid (Spain).

The moderator of the event was JORGE DE LA CABALLERIA, an experienced official at

the EU Commission, closely linked to the strategic relations with Latin America, in his

capacity as Head of the Latin American Unit of the Directorate-General for International

Partnerships B (DG-INTPA B) of the European Union.

The speakers were:


He has ample experience and prestige in the region and has been Executive Secretary of

the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) until September

2022. He currently works as an academic in Italy and Mexico.


She is Head of the Americas Regional Division in the European External Action Service,

responsible for coordinating relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Next EU

Ambassador to Chile.


He is Global Head of Economy and Vice President of Grupo Santander. He has extensive

experience in the region.

Professor Francisco Pascual Vives of the University of Alcalá (UAH), director of the

Institute of Latin American Studies, acted as host on behalf of the UAH, Spain.

The European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean represent more than one

third of the members of the United Nations and are a driving force in favour of a strong

rules-based multilateral system.

After eight years without summits, in 2023, the meeting of the Community of Latin

American and Caribbean States (CELAC) with the European Union was held in Brussels.

This meeting concluded with important agreements being reached in all areas,

highlighting the importance of trade cooperation, one of the most widespread networks

in the world, with a total trade in goods and services amounting to €369 billion in 2022.

The EU is the main investor in LATAM, but it is worryingly losing ground to China.

Cooperation in security has also increased in recent years due to the significant rise of

organized crime in Latin American institutions and its connections with transnational

crime networks, and furthermore, because of the deteriorating security situation in

many of the countries of the continent.

Despite the holding of these Summits and the need to simplify international relations

through organizations such as ECLAC, all the speakers agreed on pointing out that

LATAM is not a unit, but a complex and heterogeneous territory where it is essential to

know the idiosyncrasy of each country, since each one has its own problems, and the

formulas that work in one country may not be applicable to another country.

The same applies to the EU's green agenda. These demands cannot be transferred

automatically to Latin America, both due to historical reasons and to the current

economic reality. One cannot extrapolate an idea from one part of the world to another.

There is a great asymmetry, due to the industrialization era in Europe, which gives it a

head start of 200 years.

The structure of LATAM is different from that of Europe. LATAM needs to be part of the

process, not just a recipient of investments. More re-industrialization agreements are


Security plays a fundamental role in the fabric of the EU-LATAM cooperation, and it is

precisely in this area that the European Intelligence and Security Services can play an

important role.

From the point of view of investments, LATAM stands out for its potential in the areas

of food, energy and good level of training of its human resources. Rising demography

rates are considered a plus for investments (800 million people in 2050). The main

weaknesses are: Social inequality, poor infrastructures, the need for increased foreign

investment and greater involvement of institutions. It is always advisable to work with

a local partner in the project you want to start and choose the country very carefully,

since not all bear the same qualities.

China's influence in the region was also discussed, based mainly on its investment

potential and the ease with which China quickly provides for, and covers, the existing

needs. In this sense, it is considered important to be able to make LATAM see that the

cheapest option is not always the best one, without asking them to give up China. Thus,

the Global Gateway initiative could become an alternative to the Silk Road and offer

something different from what the Asian country offers: Sustainability and employment.

Seminar on Intelligence and Decision Making, Madrid

On September 19 and 20, 2023, the Seminar on Intelligence and Decision Making, organized by the Intelligence College in Europe (ICE) and the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI) of Spain, took place at the José Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation (FOM) in Madrid. The seminar was inaugurated by the Secretary of State Director of the CNI, Esperanza Casteleiro, and had the participation of the Secretary General of the CNI himself, Arturo Relanzón, and that of different European Intelligence Services, managers of the public and private sector, heads of office and senior officials of several European security institutions and academics from different countries. The participation of prestigious academic staff and private companies favored the plurality of points of view and enriched the dialogue, achieving a much broader and more valuable vision of the needs of Intelligence consumers. The level of representation of some of the highest EU clients of Intelligence has helped bringing in interesting feedbacks and points of view, in many cases different from the national points of view. To be noted, also, the active and dynamic presence of both EU SATCEN and EU INTCEN’s directors, who have helped the attendees to better understand the relations between national and European decision-makers on one side and the degree of intelligence support given to the EU institutions on the other side.

Thematic Seminar on “How to implement strategic issues in the intelligence work?”

On 31st of May and 1st of June 2023, the Belgian Security (VSSE) and CUTA, with the support of the Royal Military Academy and the Institute Egmont, organised a Thematic Seminar on “How to implement strategic issues in the intelligence work?” which attracted a very large affluence, gathering 80 participants from 23 countries and international organisations. Due to the high interest in the subject, the informal atmosphere, and its diversified setup, bringing together intelligence practitioners, academics, think tankers, and decision-makers (recipients of strategic intelligence or people involved in the prioritisation), the Thematic Seminar was both intensive and intense. During this seminar, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and address issues related to their daily work, as well as problematics most important to them, making it particularly interactive. This first ever ICE seminar in Brussels shows also all the interest of such events, giving the opportunity to make selected EU outreach actions and to flag the high degree of cooperation within our European intelligence and security community.

French seminar on open-source intelligence (OSINT)

From 1st to 3rd of March 2023, France welcomed in Paris an Intelligence College in Europe seminar on open-source intelligence (OSINT). During this event, the six main French intelligence services, as well as academics, EU and European member states services representatives and civil society members have been able to dialogue on their views and concerns as far as challenges and developments of OSINT are concerned. Even if OSINT is still delicate to define in a homogenous way all over Europe and beyond, a few consensuses arose thank to the various presentations. OSINF (Open Source Information) is one part of the scene, it encompasses commercial data basis or available in open data, accessible to the public for any kind of purpose (research, watch). On the other hand, OSINT covers more targeted field. It is concrete and actionable intelligence collected on precise target, with complex techniques from screening to de-anonymisation. The purpose of the collection makes the difference between OSINF and OSINT.

“Psychology in the Service of Intelligence” Seminar

Under the framework of the Intelligence College in Europe the Portuguese Republic Intelligence System (SIRP), organised on 29th November 2022, the “Psychology in the Service of Intelligence” Seminar, which was attended by 41 representatives of ICE members states and partners, as well as European academics.

Seminar on “Intelligence Services and Society”

On December 14, 2022, the Complutense University of Madrid hosted the “Intelligence Services and Society” Seminar, attended by representatives of the ICE Members, experts, academics and some EU officials. The two panels were led by experts on the topic and a group of young people, whose profiles and interests intended to contribute and stimulate out-of-the box thinking and improve the conclusions.

ESDC Doctoral School Conference, Brussels 11th July 2022

Invited by Dirk Dubois, the Director of the European Defence and Security College (ESDC), Mr Fischer the Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intelligence College in Europe, has intervened during the Annual ESDC Doctoral School Conference, on the 11th July 2022.