Annual Conference – Copenhagen (11-13 September 2023)
The Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intelligence College in Europe (College) participated in the Annual Conference of the International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) held in Copenhagen from 11 to 13 September 2023, in joint AIFIE and AIFIE European Chapter format.
This Conference, which was held on the premises of the Danish Defence College, was jointly organised by the Danish and Norwegian authorities (via their Defence Universities) after intensive preparation.
The event, of great scope and high visibility within the western community of Intelligence Studies and Intelligence training centres, was open to university leaders in Intelligence Studies, heads of training centres and many executives of private intelligence companies working for the Services or in good “intelligence” with them.
The programme was very dense and comprehensive, going through numerous round tables or parallel panels, many interesting and stimulating themes for any academic involved in the field of Intelligence / Security Studies or any Director of National Intelligence Academy, Director of Programs or research programmes within the professional training centres of intelligence services.
First of all, this allowed to identify new fields of study, the axes of publication, the most original researchers, to discuss problems encountered at the pedagogical level or new themes to be addressed. It also allows, beyond this monitoring & research function, to maintain and enrich its network of contacts between people sharing the same values and the same security rules.
The Intelligence College in Europe, through the voice of its Director, took advantage of this event to make itself better known in academic circles and to strengthen its interactions in the field of Intelligence Studies.
The Director was able to present the development of the College’s training and outreach activities as well as the development axes towards young generations and a more robust European intelligence and security culture. Active participation in multiple round tables and informal contacts with researchers also made it possible to identify future topics of cooperation or action for the College’s Academic Network.