Dear colleagues,
In 2019, the Intelligence College in Europe was born as an instrument for dialogue among the European Intelligence community, decision-making entities and society. The College aspired to stimulate strategic thinking and develop a European Intelligence culture, with the aim of reinforcing security in Europe.
Counting on the real and effective commitment of all members and partners and with the support of the academic world, the College offers a different and distinctive format aspiring to make cooperation between European Intelligence Services visible, as well as to reach society and, particularly, decision makers.
The path followed so far has been intense and exceptional, thanks to the contribution of all College members and, most especially, to the impulse and sustained effort of the Permanent Secretariat.
As Secretary of State-Director of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, it is a pleasure for me to inform you that on 1 st February 2024 Spain will assume the Presidency of the College. With humbleness, eagerness and responsibility, Spain will try to be up to our predecessors and foster internal dialogue, the participation of all countries and the continuity of ongoing projects.
Thanks to the support of our colleagues Romania and Norway in the Troika, this year will allow us to consolidate the project, stabilize
its functioning and promote the academic network, which should be the College’s main driving force.
It is also the moment to move forward as regards its visibility. We aim to be a reference for European structures and decision makers. To this end, it is vital that European citizens get to know us and acknowledge the value offered by Intelligence and Security Services to their freedom and well-being. We need to continue working to reinforce the relation and collaboration with European institutions. However, it is also essential to improve communication and to particularly address the generations that are taking over as decision makers, participatory youth.
Spain’s unwavering dedication to Europe is thus confirmed in our commitment to the ICE project and our conviction of the College’s contribution to the security of European citizens.
Yours sincerely