As part of the activities planned by the Spanish presidency of ICE in 2024, the CNI of Spain & its Academy organized the second “Academic Network Conference” between June 4th and 5th 2024 at the University of Salamanca.

This event, organized with the support of the University of Salamanca, took place in the historic Archbishop Fonseca College.

It mainly aimed at contributing to the consolidation of an operational academic network within the Intelligence College in Europe and to the presentation of research projects conducted in the Intelligence field in every member country, as well as at promoting collaboration among universities.

The research project of the Professor of the University of Cadiz, Antonio Diaz, was presented with the aim of testing European youth’s opinion on their Intelligence and Security Services. This is the first research project to be carried out collectively by ICE, with the active participation of universities of its academic network.

Six research papers were also presented by the representatives of Norway, Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, Romania and Denmark, and three working groups on Technology, Changing International Theatres and Intelligence Culture shared their conclusions with all participants.

This involves, inter alia, creating the optimum conditions to boost brainstorming between us. It is, therefore, essential to rely on a solid network, where common projects are undertaken and experiences and ideas are shared.

Universities must be the main driving force of these activities, both training activities, as well as activities to be closer to society.