Thematic Seminars

The Intelligence College in Europe offers its members Thematic Seminars on various subjects of interest to European national intelligence communities. Through workshops, discussions and roundtables, these seminars are an opportunity to exchange views between intelligence services, as well as with experts from academia.

Seminars take place in the host member country. However, the College has also started organising webinars due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.

In the academic year 2023-2024, four Thematic Seminars and Webinars have been organised. The seminars counted over 300 intelligence officers.

Last seminar

A nice double Anniversary !

The Intelligence week project conceived by Margarita Šešelgytė, Director of the International Relations & Political Sciences (IIRPS) Institute of Vilnius has entered its 5 th year ! Five years of success and improvements! This outstanding outreach activity authorises students in their BA year to understand better how intelligence works to secure & protect their nation and our democratic European culture on one side and, then, learn how an intelligence report and a VIP briefing is prepared and delivered.

It makes them understand the difference between media reporting and an analytical report, with all its challenges and the level of tradecraft & expertise associated to this exercise! It will serve them even if they don’t join a security or an intelligence Service, at least as an informed citizen or, in some cases, as an informed client, i.e. as a future intel. consumer. 

Associated nearly since the beginning - the Intelligence College in Europe has invited Margarita Šešelgytė to the La Fabrique Defense Event in January 2022, is proud to participate to this project and to support it!

The Permanent Secretariat of ICE (ICE PS) is alongside members of the Lithuanian Intelligence & Security Service (VSD), the Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Survila and the Ambassador of Netherlands member of the selection jury.

In 2024, the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Intelligence College, ICE PS is happy to offer the First Prize for the best students’ team, an invitation to Paris and to the Paris Defense Security Forum 2025 (PDSF 2025) which will take place in the very beginning of March 2025, organised by the French ACADEM (Académie de défense de l'École militaire).

A really nice outreach activity, contributing to build a stronger European intelligence culture, which, ideally, will benefit to be replicated in other countries!

Previous seminars


European Security and Defence Course - UCLM Toledo


Seminar on Intelligence and Decision Making, Madrid

Thematic Seminar on “How to implement strategic issues in the intelligence work?”

French seminar on open-source intelligence (OSINT)

“Psychology in the Service of Intelligence” Seminar

Seminar on “Intelligence Services and Society”

ESDC Doctoral School Conference, Brussels 11th July 2022

Intelligence Cooperation in the 21st Century

Anticipation by Intelligence, Seminar in Vienna

Intelligence and Space Seminar in Paris

Seminar "The Societal Response To Radicalisation And The Role Of The Security Environment"

Webinar "Hybrid Threats and their Impact on European Security"

Webinar “European security challenges”