On the occasion of the opening of the Italian Presidency of the Intelligence College in Europe (February 2022 – January 2023), Ambassador Elisabetta Belloni, Director General of the DIS (Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza – Security Intelligence Department), introduces this new presidency.
The success of the Intelligence College in Europe is a fact. It is the result of the ability the College has shown to adjust to changing circumstances during its first years of life, in a very challenging period for all of us. It has been a collective effort, dependent on the commitment of all the members of the College and, in particular, on the two presidencies that preceded us. For this reason, I would like to wholeheartedly thank the Croatian and British Presidencies for their admirable efforts, thanks to which Italy is being handed over a worthy task that it will carry on with honour and commitment.
We will devote all our energies to ensuring that the College may further evolve to the benefit of all Member countries. For these reasons, the Italian Presidency will be characterised by pragmatism: our objective is to capitalise on the results achieved so far, and to lay the foundations for the future so that what will be built may be solid and unassailable.
The larger part of our programme will therefore focus on Outreach, one of the pillars of the College. Our greatest commitment will be to promote those activities that contribute to shaping a shared awareness on security issues, both among academics and in civil society, and in particular among the younger generations. The College, having its roots in many European countries, can and must make a difference in stimulating the necessary strategic dialogue among intelligence communities, academic world and civil society.
The spirit of the College is shaped by the Intelligence communities that have voluntarily decided to come together to build something greater. This is what we must always keep in mind: synergies and collaboration make us far stronger than we could ever be individually. This is the guiding star of our presidency. This is why we will work together to redouble our combined efforts and thus contribute to building a safer Europe. A result that can be achieved only thanks to a shared security culture.
Ambassador Elisabetta Belloni