On October 23rd, at the Ecole Royale Militaire (ERM) in Brussels, the Intelligence College in Europe (ICE) and the directors of the Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity (SIAC), General Baev from EUMS.INT and Director D. Markic, signed a letter of intent for cooperation.
This agreement follows a series of ICE training sessions provided to SIAC, including a collaborative course specifically designed for SIAC analysts. It serves as a renewed testament to the unity within our Intelligence and Security community, emphasizing our commitment to strengthening SIAC.
The signing ceremony was one of three significant events that underscored the advancements and maturation of ICE as we celebrate its fifth anniversary. This occurred alongside ICE’s participation in the Paris Defence & Security Forum 2024 and our Academic Network Conference in Salamanca.
On a personal note, the Director of ICEs Permanent Secretariat (ICE PS) recalls being present in Paris in March 2019 as the EU Head of Division, serving as the deputy to the Director and one of the SIAC managers at the launch of the Intelligence College by the French President, attended by senior leaders and deputies from various European intelligence services. Who could have imagined that five years later, the former Deputy Director of INTCEN would be signing such a significant agreement with the SIAC Directors as the Director of ICE PS?
The signing took place in the presence of numerous high-ranking intelligence and security representatives, just before the icebreaker for the inaugural Brussels Conference on “European Intelligence & the European Union Institutions”.
We extend our gratitude to all 26 full ICE member countries, the Spanish Presidency of ICE, Norway, our upcoming Presidency, and our Belgian friends for their invaluable support of this event.

To read more about our previous event at Ecole Royale Militaire click here.